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Limited Warranty


These goods are warranted free from defects in workmanship and materials on purchase. If the goods are defective, they will be repaired or replaced, at the vendor's option, without charge on return to the vendor within days from date of purchase with satisfactory proof of purchase from the vendor and date of purchase. This warranty is given only to the original purchaser of the goods and is void if the goods have been

damaged by negligence or accident after purchase;

used other than for the purpose for which they are intended to be used or not used in accordance with any operating instructions supplied with the goods;

adapted or repaired other than by the vendor or an approved service center

added on to or used with other goods which may affect the integrity, performance, safety, or reliability of these goods.

This warranty is given in place of all other warranties and assurances, whether ex press or implied, including but not limited to matters of quality, fitness for purpose, or merchantability and the vendor accepts no liability, under any circumstances whatsoever, for any consequential damage or loss suffered by anyone as a result of using or being unable to use the goods.

Certain jurisdictions have consumer protection laws which give you additional rights.